CoventBridge Group Proudly Support UF Health 

If you would like more information on how to support UF Health during this pandemic, please see the gift options below and a link to donate. These sponsored meals provide the caregivers at UF Health Jacksonville (physicians to custodial teams) with a meal. UF Health care providers and staff are making substantial sacrifices, leaving their families and putting themselves at risk to care for our patients and loved ones. Please join us to show our appreciation and care for their basic needs. Another bright spot, funds raised will purchase meals from local businesses, thus also helping support our local economy. We are all in this together.

Your gift of:

  • $400 could provide a meal to 40 campus security guards, working to keep our patients, physicians and employees safe.
  • $200 could provide a meal to 20 IT Department employees working around the clock to transition our healthcare system over to telemedicine.
  • $100 could provide a meal to the critical care nurses, infection control team, cleaning staff, or emergency room technicians.
  • $50 could provide a meal to the radiology technicians, laboratory technicians or administrative support personnel.

To make anyone of the gifts mentioned above, please simply visit