Our government anti-fraud solutions are focused on program integrity and effectively safeguarding the public trust.

Verify and validate.

From enrollment compliance to adherence to program requirements, we collaborate with and deliver analytics, verification and validation services to key stakeholders, law enforcement and regulators. Our professional staff work with fraud SMEs and data analysts to provide accurate, reliable and actionable information promote program integrity in the fight against fraud in government benefits and entitlement programs. We empower program decision makers to make better payment decisions and ensure receipt of public services by those who are genuinely entitled to them. We also help confirm that providers who render and bill for services are authorized and perform those services according to program rules and regulations. Collectively as an organization and as part of strategic partnerships with government vendors, we stand on the frontline in the fight against fraud, waste and abuse.


Provider Enrollment Verification


Eligibility Verification


Clinical Review


Data Analytics


Field investigation & Onsite Surveys


Transaction Validation


Administrative Actions


Law Enforcement Referrals


Program Integrity

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid

Managed Care Plan


Social Security Disability


Food and Nutrition Service


Veterans Administration

  • VBA
  • VHA