CoventBridge Group – Professional Services Delivered in Extraordinary Circumstances
At this time, CoventBridge Group is operating under business as usual, with the implementation of general safety protocols recommended by the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The health and welfare of our staff and clients is our most important responsibility. At this time we believe, through close management, that we can safely deploy our resources to protect the health and welfare of all stakeholders while delivering important services to our clients.
There are no travel restrictions for our field staff and we do not anticipate any gaps for statements or interviews in the upcoming months. Should claimants or insureds express any concern about meeting in-person for an interview, our CoventConnect (Virtual Interviewing Product) is available for such situations.
As the effect of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread, CoventBridge is keeping a close eye on the situation as it relates to our customers, vendors and our employees. For any additional questions please contact 888.932.7364 or